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Clarification Text on the Personal Data Protection Law

Clarification Text on the Personal Data Protection Law

Purpose of Clarification Text

Voli Fuar Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“VOLİ”) provides the security of your personal data with maximum sensitivity. VOLİ acts in the capacity of “data controller” against the persons whose personal data are processed (“Data Subjects”) for the personal data processed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDPL”). In this context, VOLİ acts with great care in the processing, deletion, destruction, anonymization, transfer of your personal data in the light of the principles stipulated by PDPL, informing the person whose personal data is processed (“Data Subject”) and ensuring data security. The purpose of this Clarification Text is to inform the Data Subjects about the data processing activities of VOLİ in accordance with PDPL.


Data processed by VOLİ

The personal data of customers processed by VOLİ are listed below. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the term “personal data” in this Clarification Text shall include the following information.

  • Identity Information (consisting of name, surname and gender information)
  • Contact Information (consisting of e-mail, address, landline and mobile phone information)
  • Professional Experience Information (consisting of occupational group and job/title information)
  • Risk Management Information (consisting of IP address)
  • Transaction Security Information (consisting of password and code information)

The personal data processed by VOLİ for its online visitors consists of IP address of its visitors.


Purposes of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data shall be processed in accordance with the following purposes:

  • To provide products and services and to communicate regarding the products and services you have received/will receive,
  • To perform contracts,
  • To issue invoices in accordance with the applicable legislation and to enable you to fully and duly exercise your rights arising from the applicable legislation,
  • To evaluate customer complaints and suggestions regarding our services,
  • To improve, develop, diversify our services and provide or inform thereof to real/legal persons with whom we have commercial relations,
  • To plan the scope of fairs in accordance with the expectations of exhibitors and visitors, to monitor and maintain the event,
  • To increase the awareness of the fairs by exhibitors, visitors, press, relevant non-governmental organizations and relevant public institutions and organizations,
  • To create databases on customers, fair exhibitors and/or fair visitors, to maintain marketing activities, to know our customers, fair exhibitors and visitors, to increase mutual communication, to conduct data analysis and research, to improve service quality,
  • To develop and improve customer data quality, to design and manage loyalty transactions, cross-selling and lost customer regain actions for customer management,
  • To determine and implement VOLi’s commercial and business strategies,
  • To prepare all records and documents necessary for you to complete your transactions in written, oral or electronic media,
  • To convey important information, we need to share with you via your contact information,
  • To fulfill the activities related to the services offered to you with the contracted institutions,
  • To ensure the legal or technical security and business continuity of persons in a business relationship,
  • To carry out our required quality and standard audits or to fulfill our reporting and other obligations determined by laws and regulations,
  • To fulfill the legal obligations specified in PDPL and to exercise our rights arising from the legislation as required or obliged by regulatory and supervisory authorities, legal regulations,
  • However, your personal data may also be processed by the organizations we cooperate with for the promotion and marketing of the services we offer and the commercial electronic message intermediary service provider we have contracted with, or to inform you about promotional and marketing activities related to VOLİ’s services via SMS and/or e-mail to your contact addresses that have already been processed (If required by law, your consent shall be obtained for the subject).

Transfer of Personal Data

Your Personal Data shall be transferred by VOLİ to third parties only for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text and in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the PDPL.

VOLİ may transfer your personal data to domestic and foreign business partnerships or affiliates to domestic and foreign third parties to whom support services are provided or from whom support services are received, service providers who support us in data processing activities in order to fulfill and maintain commercial activities, to audit firms under the relevant contracts for the audit of commercial activities in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, to legally authorized public institutions and organizations limited under their requests within the legal authority of the relevant public institutions and organizations, to public institutions and organizations designated to ensure the fulfillment of the legal obligations specified in the PDPL, to the commercial electronic message intermediary service provider for the purpose of promotion and advertisement within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the PDPL.


Method of Collection of Personal Data and Legal Reason

Although your personal data may vary depending on the service or commercial activity provided by VOLİ, it is collected verbally, in writing or electronically through automatic or non-automatic methods, call center service companies, website visits and applications made through the website, written / digital applications made directly to the sales teams, e-mails, faxes and letters you have sent to our Company, all our mobile applications, SMS channels, social media channels, customer interviews, surveys and information forms filled in places such as fairgrounds.

VOLİ shall process the personal data of its customers in accordance with subparagraph c. of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of PDPL as it is directly necessary for the construction and performance of the contract and in accordance with subparagraph f. of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of PDPL in line with the legitimate interests of VOLİ. However, your personal data may also be processed in cases where it is “expressly stipulated in the law”, “mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation” and “made public by the data subject” regulated under paragraph 2 of Article 5 of PDPL.


Rights of the Data Subject

Pursuant to Article 11 of PDPL, Data Subject has the following rights:

  • to learn whether his/her personal data are processed or not, to demand for information as to if his/her personal data have been processed,
  • to learn the purpose of the processing of his/her personal data and whether these personal data are used in compliance with the purpose,
  • to know the third parties to whom his personal data are transferred at home or abroad,
  • to request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any, and to request reporting of the operations carried out in this regard to third parties to whom his/her personal data have been transferred,
  • to request the erasure or destruction of his/her personal data if the reasons required to process personal data are removed although they are processed in accordance with PDPL and other relevant law provisions, and to request reporting of the operations carried out in this regard to third parties to whom his/her personal data have been transferred,
  • to object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself/herself by analyzing the data processed solely through automated systems, and to claim compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of his/her personal data.

You may submit your requests as to your rights listed above to our company free of charge by filling out and signing Application Form with the information and documents that will identify you and the methods specified below or other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board:

  • After filling out the form at this address, delivery of a wet signed copy of the form to the address “YENİBOSNA MERKEZ MAHALLESİ LADİN SOKAK NO: 4M/1235 BAHÇELİEVLER İSTANBUL” personally or through a notary public
  • After filling out the form at this address and signing it with your “secure electronic signature” in accordance with Electronic Signature Law No. 5070, sending the form with secure electronic signature to via registered e-mail
  • By using your e-mail address in our company’s system, writing “Personal Data Protection Law Information Request” in the subject section of e-mail and sending it to
  • By using your e-mail address that is not in our Company’s system, including mobile signature / e-signature, writing “Personal Data Protection Law Information Request” in the subject section of e-mail and sending it to

Your requests shall be evaluated and finalized as soon as possible and no later than 30 days. VOLİ reserves the right to charge a fee according to the fee tariff (if any) determined by the Personal Data Protection Board regarding the requests.